Utilization of GOS in Alternative Efforts in the Management of Heart Disease


  • Pudia M. Indika*, Eri Barlian, Abdul Razak




Public or private Green Open Space (GOS) is a place to carry out sports activities that can be used as an alternative to daily physical activities. Utilization of public GOS is rarely used because sports facilities and infrastructure are poorly maintained, one of which is GOS Imam Bonjol which is located in Padang City. The role of GOS in its function as the lungs of the city can reduce the occurrence of heart disease, so it is an alternative for people with heart disease in improving their quality of life by doing sports in GOS. This research is library research. Vegetation contained in GOS can provide benefits in the management of reducing risk factors for heart disease related to oxygen availability and carbon dioxide absorption. Sports carried out in GOS can guarantee the availability of oxygen needed by the body's organs. GOS is an alternative to modifying sports activities for people with heart disease.


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