Self-Meaning Intervention On The Character Forming Of Pamong Belajar In Learning Activity Center: A Cultural Background In Indonesia


  • Julduz Ruland Paus, Mint Husen Raya Aditama, Meisie L. Mangantes.



Self-meaning determines the direction of life, especially in the Industrial Revolution era. This study aims to find out how the effectiveness of improving self-meaning to improve motivation and Pamong Belajar Work Culture. This research uses a naturalistic qualitative approach. Data sources are determined by purposive sampling techniques and snowball sampling of Pamong Belajar and heads of the Learning Activities Center. The data was netted with interview and observation techniques where the researcher was domiciled as the main "technique". The data were analyzed with interactive analysis techniques from Miles and Huberman. The results of the study describe the influence of resources and also the central policy affecting the performance of employees of the Learning Activity Center. Self-meaning influences how creation and innovation create excellent programs. This shows that SKB employees who are highly insightful in interpreting life are the first step that opens up self-awareness so that creative living behavior becomes the true meaning of life. Ultimately, success in life will push individuals towards the era of the industrial revolution faster in reaching that stage.


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