
  • Riyam Kareem Hachim and Dr. Awad Kadhum Al Ghuzi


Perhaps most of what a person seeks in his life is to prove himself or his existence mediated by. The moral or material actions he does contribute to the spread of his reputation and the news converges him to become a societal icon. However, there are strict laws that governed the pre-Islamic society and subjected all its sons to it, which were represented in the tribal fanaticism and the hierarchy of its categories. The matter was marginalized, so the one who had neither power nor strength obeyed, and those who did not insult themselves rose up and stood in the face of those laws, declaring their rebellion, and there were those who sought to survive.,And theBut with the pride of a soul in pursuit of that dream in proving himself and his existence, and there was no way to spread the advantages of the individual and the group other than poetry, so the purpose of pride came as an existential purpose in which the poet mobilized his virtues, his people and his history in it. I appeared conscientious to attend(Ego and we),Perhaps we are underestimated if we say that all pre-Islamic pride is built by circulating these two references, especially if we know that the poet seeks in his poetry to question a poetic function, according to Jakobson’s opinion.soIt seeks to (targeting the message as a message and focusing on the message for its own sake is what characterizes the poetic function of language...and the poetic function is not the only function of language art, but rather its dominant and defining function) Therefore, the poet's employment of pronouns is manifested in addition to the poetic function of the attentional functionin(Establishing and extending communication or separating it and employed to check whether the speech cycle is working ... and employed to arouse the attention of the addressee or ensure his attention) As for MacDonald, he believes that the function of poetry is a social function, as he says: (The common feature among the literature of pre-writing societies is functional, this literature in that it serves a specific social purpose, and in many cases it is an essential part of the social system to the extent that society hardly works without it)


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